Erleben Sie unvergleichliche Präzision und Realismus mit dem Alpha Flight Controls Yoke & Switch Panel, das für ergonomischen Komfort und nahtlose Cockpit-Interaktionen entwickelt wurde.

98% PC Pilot Platinum Auszeichnung

Die Honeycomb ALPHA Flight Controls tragen stolz den renommierten PC Pilot Platinum Award, der für herausragende Qualität und Innovation in der Flugsimulation anerkannt ist.

Linker Griff

Zwei vertikale, 2-Wege-Schalter, 8-Wege-Hausschalter und zwei Tasten.

Rechter Griff

Zwei horizontale 2-Wege-Schalter und einen kleinen sowie einen großen Knopf.


Master, Generator, Avionik und Lichtschalter.

5-Position Zündschalter

Für realistische Vorflugkontrollen ist eine ordnungsgemäße Motorleistung im Flug erforderlich.

Kompatibel mit Microsoft Flight Simulator

Wir entwickeln unsere hochmodernen Produkte in enger Zusammenarbeit mit führender Flugsimulationssoftware. Unsere Hardware integriert sich nahtlos und wird automatisch von der Software erkannt, um eine sofortige Einrichtung und optimale Leistung zu gewährleisten.

Diese nahtlose Integration wird auch bei der Veröffentlichung von MFS24 verfügbar sein.


Entdecken und verbessern Sie Ihr perfektes Heim-Flugsimulations-Setup

Daten-Sicherheitsblatt (GPSR)

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Brian Y.
I like it

They are quality and work nicely. I think the drivers and profiles from Honeycomb could be better for X-Plane. I had some issues with the switches not working properly, I had to do a lot of trouble shooting for them to work. I like the hardware: There could be better instructions from Honeycomb when trying to figure out how to get the programming to work since they are designed for simulators.

Michael C.
Works perfectly

Great feel from the yoke. Unit looks good. I wish the starter switch was spring loaded like real world

Ronald K.
Helpful suggestion

I like the Honeycomb yoke…no issues at this time.
The only suggestion is to create the USB-C port more securely, and protect the cable somehow to not bend and pop out of the port. The first honey comb yoke USB-C port was not soldered in completely and when I inserted the cable it broke and pushed the port into the interior of the yoke. This is the second honey comb yoke purchased 14 days ago. It works at this time but I am very worried that any bumps on the cable in the back of the yoke will brake the port off again. Other than that it is performing well….

David N.
Honeycomb Alpha Flight Controls

I purchased this to replace my joystick and found the quality of this yoke excellent. The operation feels solid and is smoother with virtually no detente throughout the range of movements. It provides a more realistic feel to flying MSFS 2024. The mounting system is very solid as well. I would recommend this product anyone into flight simulations.

Rowan G.
Excellent Yolk

The build quality seems really good, works really well, very precise inputs.