Entfesseln Sie die Kraft des Bravo-Quadranten: Entwickelt, um das vielseitigste Flug-Simulations-Erlebnis zu gewährleisten.

Vielseitige Steuerhebel

6 Hebel für Klappen, Spoiler und Schubumkehr für ein- bis viermotorige Flugzeuge.

Dynamische Flugoberfläche

Autopilot- und Anzeigetafel mit 7 zuweisbaren Schaltern und 14 Anzeigeleuchten.

TOGA Hebel

Ein Hebel mit Take-off / Go-Around-Taste.

Umfassende Drosseloptionen

Allgemeine Luftfahrt & kommerzielle Hebel enthalten.

Erlaubnis zur Landung

Schaltknüppel mit roten und grünen LED-Anzeigelichtern für das Fahrwerk

Kompatibel mit Microsoft Flight Simulator

Wir entwickeln unsere hochmodernen Produkte in enger Zusammenarbeit mit führender Flugsimulationssoftware. Unsere Hardware integriert sich nahtlos und wird automatisch von der Software erkannt, um eine sofortige Einrichtung und optimale Leistung zu gewährleisten.

Diese nahtlose Integration wird auch bei der Veröffentlichung von MFS24 verfügbar sein.


Entdecken und verbessern Sie Ihr perfektes Heim-Flugsimulations-Setup

Daten-Sicherheitsblatt (GPSR)

Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
Walter W.
BRAVO Throttle Quadrant

Works great. Need an update for MSFS2024 in order for the LEDs to work. Would definitely purchase again.

Thank you very much for your awesome feedback. The new driver for MSFS2024 can be found on our Downloads page. :-) Enjoy your flight!

Jackson S.
Exactly as advertised

Very easy to set up. Pretty much just plug and play. All buttons and switches work as advertised. Throttles feel nice and have a good weight. Everything feels like premium construction.

Michael C.
Best on the market

I am very happy with my Bravo Throttle Quadrant. The flexibility built into the system is its strongest feature. Being able to mimic such a variety of aircraft sets it apart from the others.

David N.
BRAVO Throttle Quadrant

Considering the short period of time I have used the throttle, I found it to be well built and meets my requirements. The levers are smooth and precise, the switches are nice and crisp, and it interfaces with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 without the need to install additional drivers. The trim wheel does suffer from being extremely unresponsive or mostly useless. Overall, I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to upgrade their flight experience.

Rowan G.
Good Quadrant

The quality seems really good, the ability to configure the throttle quadrant for different planes is great for realism and precise controls. The only negative (although not an unexpected one) it can take quite a lot of time to get all the inputs configured to how you want them.